
This site is a resource to help you improve the academic, behavioral, and social opportunities for your students, families, schools, and our community. Grants can also be valuable and vital tools to help you develop your professional skills. Here you'll find information on the $465 billion annual giving world of grants. Some grants are fairly easy to write—others more difficult. If you have the passion and persistence to acquire these grants, you and your students will benefit far beyond the life and dollars of the grant. Funding organizations want to see that passion, a well-thought out plan or project, and a commitment to seeing it through.

Welcome to the Kearney Public Schools Grant Opportunities website!

On this site you'll find the following information:

Grant Calendar- We have developed a calendar of various grant opportunities that are coming up. Check out the calendar. Also, if you are interested in content specific grant opportunities, contact Mark and he can do a specific grant search for the content area of interest to you.

District Grant Process- Contains the protocol for KPS staff to follow to obtain grant help, forms you can use to identify funding sources, develop a budget, and proposal form you can use to ask for help from the Foundation's grant office. This also contains helpful terms used in some grant forms and in the grant community. Finally, it provides some helpful hints on how to write a grant and what to look for in RFP's and other alphabet soup acronyms.

The webpage is designed to be user friendly. It will be updated often . Your comments and suggestions will be greatly appreciated as we strive to bring you more opportunities to have a meaningful and lasting impact on our students, staff, families, and community.

Thank you!

Mark Whitacre, KPS Grant Writer